Last night was opening night for Lucas's second school musical, The Music Man! We all went to see him in the play, including Mim and Bob.
This was a huge production, making us question the sanity of Miss Kate, the drama teacher. I wonder when she ever goes home. I know for sure my junior high never did things like this. (I've included more costume shots this time for the sake of my aunt Denise, who does the costumes for her local high school shows.)

76 Trombones
(I got off easy, as I only had to sew two vests. This was fortunate, as I didn't have a lot of time to sew and my skills are pretty limited. For instance, this was my first time using piping and sewing a fully-lined garment.)

This is the closest shot I got to having the whole cast on stage. There are about 120 kids in the show!

Whenever the "teenies" were on stage, they got a huge audience reaction. They are kids 9 - 11 (I think) who have older siblings in the cast, and they are adorable!

Of course I loved the library, and I loved these costumes. Drop-waist dresses, big sashes, big hair bows, and colorful tights.

The Pick-a-Little ladies' costumes were out of control. (And they had several changes!)

Check out these colorful vests in the library scene!

love this outfit of Marion's.

The hats killed me. This show especially made me glad that I had a boy in the cast! Those moms of girls must have been sewing for weeks.

Wells Fargo costumes

If someone had told me six months ago that Lucas would be doing partner dances, I don't think I would have believed it — and now he has jazz
and tap shoes!

The barbershop quartet stole the show! They were so funny, and so much better at doing the 4-part harmony than I ever thought junior high boys could be. They got huge applause at the curtain call.

Here he is taking a bow. (Looks like somebody needs a belt!)

After the show, the entire cast lines up against the lockers so that people can come talk to them. (With this huge cast, the line went all the way to the exit!) I think that big smile says it all. I remember the excitement of being a part of something big, and I am so happy that Lucas is getting to experience that.
Wow! That is one impressive high school production. Those costumes are over the top, you would never see that in NC! All that was missing was the music!
Lucas looked cute and like he was totally enjoying himself, what more could you ask!
He is simply wonderful.
This is so incredible. Absolutely incredible. What a great thing to be a part of. I'm glad your drama teacher is willing to take something of this magnitude on. I hope somebody gives her a standing ovation sometime.
I've only used piping on pillows. I think your skills are admirable.
i was just looking on netflix for the music man to show Addison. How awesome was his show? the costumes look great and the kids look so happy. how long is it running?
Wow, this looks like such a well-done production!! I can't believe how elaborate the costumes are. That poor teacher needs a month off of work after this!
Ash was in the music man for the city of spanish fork and the costumes and scenery was no where near as alaborate or amazing as your jr high production! Holy cow, those costumes are amazing! And I do love that one of Marion's also!
I'm thrilled with the report! How I wish I could be there for such things....*sigh*
Your sewing looks just fine! Lucas looks like he indeed was loving it, and I'm so happy to hear of his dance shoe inventory! I remember the day we went to register him for Jr High...I suggested that he might want to look into the drama program and he scoffed! Go work, Lucas!
Wow! What a show! I can not get over the costumes! Amazing and must have been sooo time consuming. Lucas sure looks happy though.
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