Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday thoughts for Mother's Day

I was blessed with both a mother and a grandmother who are women of faith. They love the Lord, they love each other, and they love me, and I consider all of those things to be gifts. 

Grandma taught me about how the Spirit spoke to her frequently. She once told me that she didn't need an alarm - the Holy Ghost would wake her up whenever she needed to awake. I was a bit skeptical then, but I have experienced the same thing enough times now to know she was right. From her, I learned that our Heavenly Father cares about us and our lives, and that the Spirit can help and comfort us in endless ways.

My mom also taught me about promptings from the Spirit. She would return home from the grocery store and start putting things away, only to exclaim, "Oh! The Spirit told me to buy butter! I knew I should have gotten some!" Again, I doubted that the Holy Ghost would be concerned about her grocery list, but now I know from her example and from my own experience that the Lord cares about everything that matters to us. She taught me not to doubt, and to follow promptings.

Recently, I was reading the comments for the daily reading of @bofm365 (on Instagram, I highly recommend it). There was some discussion of Mosiah 3:19, one of my favorite scriptures. A commenter said something that really struck me: she said that she has learned to say "yes" whenever she receives a prompting from the Spirit. If she doesn't understand, or doesn't see how it is possible for her to act on it, she quickly prays, "Yes. How?" or "Show me." Almost immediately, the way is shown to her.

This pretty much rocked my world. I feel like a whole new perspective has opened up to me. I just need to internalize this, to shift to an instant willingness to be shown the way. It's not really my nature to be positive, optimistic. But I am absolutely going to work to adopt this "yes" attitude.


Rebekah said...

I find myself telling the Lord that I submit to his will, then immediately throwing in caveats...butpleasedon'tletmelosemyjoborhavemycarbreakdownormakemelosemyapartmentoranyonegetsick...

Marie said...

This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

jenn said...

I was stunned and delighted to see on Jill's feed that you had posted! I came to the first "new" post and it was a treat. I am not good at hearing the Spirit, but I can't imagine my life without His influence. I love that you learned about the Spirit from your remarkable mother and grandmother.
(And I'm so glad you are posting!)

Melinda said...

I absolutely love this post and I am so happy you are back to blogging. Now if I could just get myself to start back up! I love what you shared from the instagram message. That is what I needed to read.

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