On Thursday, Marc really wanted to walk around the city and take photographs, and the kids and I really wanted to go back to the beach, so we split up for the morning.
{I neglected to mention that Lucas's eardrum burst on the flight into Honolulu, which put quite a damper on his swimming in Hawaii. We were unaware of any ear problems until he woke me up in the middle of the night on Sunday, in intense pain. He then told me that his ear had hurt quite a lot during landing and then again when he went swimming. (! This, from the boy who once ground his teeth down to exposed nerves, and we didn't discover it until the dentist was examining him. He couldn't believe that Lucas hadn't been complaining of pain...)
Anyway... Marc took him to a nearby insta-care, where we found out that his eardrum was perforated. He was given antibiotics and told not to put his head underwater for about a month! Terrible timing, and he was gravely disappointed.}
what an amazing trip
So sorry about the ear infection- yes terrible timing. Thank goodness you got that taken care of. Two weeks ago I took Chloe into instacare & she had a terrible ear infection too- what's up with that? She had just gotten back from hiking the uintas & was miserable on the way home but fine the first day?
Anyhow- I hope his ear was better for the flight home?
That tempura looks divine- and the dog walker? cracks me up!!
I thought shaved ice - was ice? that looks like ice cream? I guess I haven't really and the "real" stuff?
Either way it looks incredible!
I am sorry for Lucas. I hope he had fun anyways.
I feel shocked by the shaved ice photos- WOW!
I love fire (when it's not burning on the mountain next to you) and lights (when they are not shining in your bedroom window). Very festive indeed!
The edible volcano looks heavenly!
Luci's eardrum ruptured the night before she was due at overnight camp a couple of weeks ago. She apparently has a high pain tolerance plus didn't want to tell me it hurt for fear she would miss camp. Well it ruptured and there was blood all over her pillow so no way to hide it anymore! She got the same treatment at at urgent care center and has to wear ear plugs now. But she went to camp!
Why do kids get sick at the most inconvenient times?!
I'm sorry to find it funny that you guys had to go to Instacare in Hawaii...why does this always happen to you guys? At least Marc took him this time right?
I love twinkle lights.
I'm confused by the thought of peanut butter or chocolate shave ice.
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