Sunday, July 01, 2012

Polynesian Cultural Center

Bob rented a car on Wednesday to take us to the Polynesian Cultural Center.

Bob and Mim had some missionary friends who were able to provide free passes and meal tickets for us all! I enjoyed it much more knowing that they didn't have to spend $1000-ish on the experience.

As you enter the cultural center, everyone is handed a lei for a photo op.

We ate lunch at an island buffet and then started visiting the various villages.
This guy was hilarious. He talked about starting fires, climbing coconut trees, etc. and did it in such an entertaining way. He would repeat various words in about 10 different language, to comic effect. I could have listened to him for another hour. It started raining during his presentation, and some people were searching for umbrellas or rain ponchos. I was thrilled for the relief from the heat.

(I want to say that this presentation was from Samoa, but I can't be certain anymore...)
Thanks to Mim's hustle, we snagged a great spot for watching the parade on the canal.

I loved that there were kids on this float! They were good, too.
This guy tied for my favorite entertainer at the cultural center. He was so funny and so good at extemporizing with audience members. (I think this was from the Tongan village, but again, I can't say for sure!)
Grandma and Eva watching the show.
(Eva picked out this hibiscus flower clip at Sea Life Park, and wore it for the rest of our stay in Hawaii.)
Max and Grandpa took a canoe ride.
The way they wrap palm tree trunks with these dried fronds was one of my favorite things about the park! So cool.
We bought some fish food from a gumball-type machine and it was endlessly entertaining.

Hungry fish.
Beautiful landscaping!
I loved these seashell lights in the restaurant where we ate dinner.
After we left the PCC, we drove by the temple. 
I love the landscaping. That row of hibiscus plants is stunning!


Melinda said...

We have a couple from our ward who are serving a mission at the cultural center right now. I want that gig when Jason and I go on a mission.

These pictures are so beautiful, I really want to hop on a plane and head over there. Our goal is to go next summer, Jason's uncle has a condo on Kauai we can stay at.

Jill said...

Wow, yet another amazing day in Hawaii, it's so great you were able to soak in so much!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Ohhhhhh, I love the PCC and it is so fun to see your pictures. The temple holds special memories, too. I'm so glad you got to do this as a family.

jenn said...

Your photos make me want to go back and do it again!

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