Wednesday, January 26, 2011

highs and lows

high: I had my first knee injections on Monday. Although the pain relief is not expected for another 2-3 weeks, I have high hopes.

low: I got a fever on Monday night (a possible side effect), and was under the weather yesterday.

high: I spent a good deal of time on the couch, watching The Tudors (when the kids were at school).

low: We found out last night that Max's trip to San Francisco with the Utah Valley Youth Symphony was canceled due to sluggish participation. He is so disappointed.

high: I guess we'll be getting a refund! Maybe we can apply it toward the new cello we are hoping to get for him.

low: I had to take Eva to the doctor this morning. She has been on two rounds of antibiotics, but she still can't breathe and has been complaining of a sore throat and aches and pains.

high: It's not a sinus infection!

low: There isn't much you can do for a cold. The doctor prescribed ibuprofen and Gatorade (it's supposed to help with the headaches and body aches)!

low: Although she isn't feeling well, she still has plenty of energy, and always wants me to play with her.

high: I convinced her to make cookies instead. I'd rather bake than play any day.

Highs and lows. That's life. But looking for the highs always helps me when I'm feeling low. (And so do cookies. A little.)


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I like your highs and lows posts, Michelle. I like the contrast and the looking for the good in spite.

I too like cookies. And sprinkles.

crystal said...

Well young lady, I want to inform you that your Sweet Potato & Brie Flatbread is on my permanent meal rotation. We all loved it!!! So good. Your recipe blog is beloved by me.

You have NO IDEA of the joy i felt when i saw a close-up shot of sprinkles. Oh, the delight. (you are aware of my sprinkle fetish, are you not???)

I hope the knee treatment goes well.

Melinda said...

Those cookies look so good. I will be clicking over to get the recipe like all of your other ones I have.

I hope you are feeling better and get some relief!

Melinda said...

Are you supposed to add a cup of granulated sugar along with the powder sugar? I love how easy it is!

{natalie} said...

i am going to make those cookies asap. and i love that you call jimmies, jimmies. me too.

Kelly said...

Your lows sound so disappointing, so I'm glad you are finding some highs in there as well. And who knew Gatorade would help with headaches and body aches? Brynlee is home sick right now, and freaking out about missing school. I'll have to try Gatorade.

Jill said...

I could eat about 10 of those cookies before falling into a fat-coma, I love them so!

I'm glad you can find highs in with the lows!

jt said...

low: Bella has been sick all week too with the flu.
high: She just randomly said "I wish Eva were here." why? "I just miss her." That's cute-we weren't talking about her or anything.

I would rather bake than play any day too, and it shows.

jenn said...

high- reading Michelle's posts and looking at her beautiful cookies

low- technology hasn't allowed us to taste what we see yet

Barb said...

I'd choose baking over playing as well.

patsy said...

I think I may copy your Highs & Lows posting idea...
I'm so short on blogging ideas these days! Mostly because I am having so many lows... winter blues or blahs- ya. I think I really need sun in my life.

Root canal & carpal tunnel on top of the knee issue? Holey Hell someone give michelle a break already!!!

Denise said...

You're too young to be getting old!

And I would ALWAYS choose baking over playing, even though it feels like a character flaw.

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