Thursday, October 07, 2010

Creative Friday

Last Friday, Marc was home because it was Dad Day at school (also Dinosaur Day) and he had made plans to take Eva to lunch before school. He was in fine form and made us laugh quite a bit. I can't remember what it was about, but I enjoyed Jill's laughter. (I also enjoyed not having to take Eva or pick up the kids afterwards! 2 fewer trips that day!)

I had no makings of a good lunch, so I proposed Cafe Rio. Neither of us had had it for weeks, and it always sounds good. The one near me has pretty bad service, though, I've never been there without a mix-up of some kind.

Sure enough, they didn't have our order ready when we got there. Oh well, at least we could laugh about it together and we did get to enjoy our tasty tostadas in the end!

Jill made and wrote many of her genius photo cards.

I felt like I had too many things hanging over me, so I tackled an advertising email for my mom's business (I do her ads), finished a blog post,

bound this book for Max (the last assignment for his electronic high school geography class),

mended Lucas's lizard (that has been sitting in a corner of the living room for, oh, months),

I finally sewed the ears on the kitty I knitted for Eva ages and ages ago. She has been most patient. I don't know if I did it right, though, because I think they look like mouse ears. Fortunately, she is an easy audience.

I was telling Jill that I looked everywhere for the tail and couldn't find it. I couldn't imagine where it could be. Did Jack chew it up? What in the world? I just didn't want to make a new tail.

Then I turned the kitty over. The tail is already sewn on. That's how long it's been since I picked up this project! Good grief.

Jill pointed out that our C.F. conversation really runs the gamut. We talk about our families, our neuroses, our epiphanies, Project Runway, Survivor, our struggles, our victories, the gospel... pretty much everything under the sun. At one point, I went to get the last Conference Ensign to tell Jill about an article I read last week. I love that we can share so much of ourselves.

Max came home and got right to work posting and commenting on his Honor's English class blog. I love it. (Except when I want to use the computer.) His teacher established some blog rules. We agreed that this was probably a good idea.

sun-dappled self-portrait


Anonymous said...

That is a great laughing picture of Jill! I love love love when I get a good laughing shot of someone!

I have a few projects I have been knocking off the last few weeks- those corner sitting ones. It's satisfying in a humiliating way, no?

Having friends where you can discuss the breadth of life's issues without skipping a beat is a wonderful thing!

Jill said...

I like your Creative Friday post better than mine, what's up with that?

Unknown said...

That is such a fantastic photo of Jill!

My entire house feels like it's full of unfinished projects. I'd like to say that's just because I'm in the midst of a show, but sadly, that's pretty much status quo!

Bond Girl 007 said...

Jill's post comment makes me smile!!!! you two....I love it. I love your fridays, and I love seeing you enjoy it together!

Melinda said...

That is a really great picture of you and Jill and that one of her at the first is really great also.

Michelle said...

I think you realizing that the tail was already sewn on was my favorite part of this post. It made me feel like we are truly kindred spirits.

I miss your face and your cute family...we must get together soon.

Susan said...

All good.
All funny.
All you.

Rebekah said...

Man, electronic high school, get thee hence!

I can't believe all that you packed into those few hours. You have such a wide variety of skills and talents, and your family definitely benefits from them!

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