Monday, September 13, 2010

12 on the 12th | September

1. Sunday finery
2. Eva playing in the water when she was supposed to be getting ready
3. Sunday bags packed
4. Sitting in the cultural hall for stake conference even though we left 25 minutes early
5. Marc and I had a glorious Sunday nap! I love morning church.
6. Reading through my notes and working on my Sunday thoughts post
7. Dinner on the stove when the power went out for no apparent reason
8. Max playing piano when the power was out
9. I chose to read instead! (My favorite bookmark ever – Jill made it.)
10. The power came back on an hour later and dinner resumed cooking.
11. Eva and Marc took Jack for a walk, then she played with her Fur-Real dog.
12. The previous YW secretary dropped off this bag of stuff for me: clipboard, binder, papers, etc. I guess this means I need to figure out what I'm supposed to do now.


Miranda said...

Oooh! Pretty Sunday necklaces + bags! Also, I love the frames above your bed. Beautiful!

Jill said...

I have no Sunday finery, I just have my Sunday ensembles, but they aren't very fine. Oh poo.

I love all your pictures this time, very cool!

It's so weird that your power went out for no reason, but how nice that it meant you could read for awhile.

Unknown said...

that's a bright and cheerful YW bag - it will certainly grab your attention if you leave it sitting on the sofa for too long ;)

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I was going to comment on your Sunday finery, too. Jill's comment made me laugh. Sometimes mine qualifies as an ensemble, but more often a menagerie.

I love your 12 on 12.

By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed Marc's interview on the photography blog.

What did you cook for Sunday dinner?

patsy said...

power outage...? strange-

YEs- inquiring minds want to know- what's for dinner?

Fur Real dogs- the best kind!
Love the bags- & the finery!!

Susan said...

You're too funny,taking a photo in the cultural hall...

Our power goes out often, so many trees and historic buildings! But what is the excuse there?! Oh well, a little relief from the norm and time to read. Good thing you didn't have the caramel cake in the oven.

Charlotte said...

Oo I love that bookmark!

Way to be for taking pictures at church.

Sunday naps are by far one of my most favorite things.

Bond Girl 007 said...

darling darling darling.....fotos!

Melinda said...

That is so strange it went out especially when there was no storm?

Your Sunday finery is so darn cute. Love it.

Oh, that dreaded water play. Ryan is very good at that. He gets his shirt all wet and then wants to change as we need to walk out the door!

jenn said...

Oh you sneaky girl- I didn't dare take my camera in the church.

Your Sunday bags are killing me with their cuteness.

Sorry about the power outage but so happy you got a nap. I loved being home before noon too! I chose to work on a craft project instead of nap but still such a delightful way to spend the sabbath.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I love these 12 for 12 posts. I came over from Jill's blog. Those Sunday bags are adorable.

And, I've been the YW secretary for 3.5 years now and love it. I think it's the best calling ever. You get all of the fun and just a little bit of the responsibility. I get to pick and choose which YW classes I go to on Sunday and which class activities I go to on Wednesdays, unless one needs an extra leader. This week I get to teach the Mia Maids how to make Dutch Apple Pie.

I have boys and it's been so fun to get my girl fix each week with these wonderful girls.

Denise said...

Ah--the dawdling child at the sink! (Think: Emily and Sarah). It used to drive me CRAZY--and still does, with Sarah. Good luck with your new YW calling!

And do tell--what WAS for dinner?

Diane said...

scattered comments, sorry...

Harmon's bag? Congrats on your new calling!

Thanks for your Sunday thoughts. I passed them on to a dear friend as my notes were not nearly as wonderful.

Your music on Saturday was phenominal!

And, finally, tell Marc the interview was wonderful. Thanks for the link!

Unknown said...

That looks like a nearly perfect day : )

Rebekah said...

You always have the best bags.

The delay in dinner is unfortunate, but at least it wasn't Christmas, right? Ha, ha!

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