You know what's not darling? Art pushers. They come up with a big sketch pad and try to start drawing you or your kids so fast that you can't refuse. Then they charge you for the drawing that you didn't want in the first place. (I only fell for that once when Max was 18 months old. Now they don't have a chance with me.) Or the guys that walk up to your kids and slip a loop of embroidery floss on their finger, only to hurry and make a friendship bracelet before you can stop them. We were stopped by at least 10 such pushers that day. I would politely but firmly say, "non, merci!" and then they would say -- oh it's not for you, it's for my friend here! Right. People that prey on innocent children (and their parents' wallets) really burn me up. But I digress...

"It's interesting how rust can be sort of picturesque. You know, if it's not on your car or your grill or anything." Yes, yes, I agree. If rust is someone's else's problem it is very beautiful!
I love all your details. Your ability to give details in brevity is marvelous. Then, you illustrate them with a picture and I feel like I know the whole story.
I think the compliment you gave your folks about feeling so loved and supported when they're around is a wonderful tribute to them.
I'm sure Paris will pay great dividends to your children's relationships through the years. What a good way to benefit from the isolation factor.
Your pictures from this outing are beautiful! What a score to get that great one of the kids together, I think it's photo-wall worthy for sure!
I definitely think the peeling paint works well because of the age of the buildings there. It doesn't read as neglect, more as character.
Man, I need a new camera. The shot from the top of the hill looking out over the neighborhood is my favorite.
I agree with Jill -- that picture of the 3 kids is photo wall worthy, for sure! I don't think you could have asked for a better shot!
Such great pictures from this outing -- those stairs are something else!
I Love those bottles!
How wonderful that your parents could come for a visit, they are the greatest!
Oh my gosh those stairs. I was fearing for the health of your knees - I am so glad that you did not attempt them. I love the phrase "worm's eye view" and love the iron work. You are a spectacular photographer.
I think I am in love with all your pictures because of the wonderful fall coloring and I am planning to return to Paris in the fall when I go again- whoever wrote the song about Paris in the spring OBVIOUSLY didn't go to Paris in the fall!
Are you counting down yet? I can't believe you will be coming home soon and I wish I could be there to help you get ready for the return trip! I hope you are content with all you did while there and that thoughts of home are happy, cozy and welcome. I know I'm happy you will be returning!! Thinking of you...
Did you know that family outings are just the funnest! I just love love love to see stairs long long long long sets like this....and climb them up! WELL i rather climb them down....do you climb down????? or just go down???? english barriers....even at this point in my life.
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