Monday, July 27, 2009

the visit, so far

Jessie, Timm, Bella, and Fiona arrived on Wednesday night. So far, it has been chaotic, loud, messy, and wonderful.

This little one is supremely happy. She has a ready smile almost all of the time. She fusses only when hungry, tired, or made about being constrained. I have fed her and put her to bed a couple of times and she did wonderfully well. None of my babies was ever like this!

I seem to have forgotten already how baby toys get strewn everywhere, all excursions revolve around naptimes, and crawlers/walkers find ways to get where and what they want. How did that happen?

Bella and Eva have been getting along swimmingly. (so much better than last year!) For the most part, Eva has been sharing very well, only occasionally needing some alone time. And they are largely playing together from morning till night (when Bella gets exasperated with Eva's nighttime fears -- don't we all?).

I took them with me when Max had his cello lesson, and we went on an Old Navy shopping excursion and to McDonald's for an ice cream cone. They acted like it was the best treat in the entire world. You've gotta love being able to make someone so happy for under $2!

They have jumped on the trampoline, ridden the trike and the scooter, colored endlessly, made pretend food in the play kitchen, and played dinosaurs, Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shops for hours on end.

Jessie had to do some errands and prep work for Timm's family reunion, as she is in charge of all the crafts. I'm sure she's working her magic. (the baby food jars are for snow globes)

I have done pretty well with not buying junk or baking treats, but I did buy some Taffy cookies on Saturday, causing Jessie to sniff the empty package (after I emptied them into the cookie jar), enraptured. She cracks me up. It's a good thing she's gone right now, because I baked 6 dozen cookies today for the Pinewood Derby tomorrow.

So far, we've only had one night of game-playing. We made plans to get out the Bananagrams on Friday night, and Max responded with his characteristically teenage quip, "I wasn't invited." Of course, Jessie made him this invitation on a napkin. Even he couldn't resist laughing and he had to give up his adolescent martyrdom and join us. I love having her around.


Jill said...

Your new banner is marvelous!

I'm so glad Fiona has been in good form and has let you put her to sleep and such. I'd be in shock if I had a baby crawling around here getting into things too.

Hooray for Eva and Bella getting along better this year! I was hoping it would be a dream come true for Eva to have a playmate at the ready like this.

Wow, Jessie has taken to sniffing empty cookie wrappers...

What is with Max needing an invitation to play?

Kristy said...

Don't you just love teenagers? That's funny that Jessie was able to get him to laugh.

I can only imagine how I would be acting if I had given up sugar. I would probably have eaten the cookie wrapper!!

Natasha said...

How nice to have somne quality sister time!

Amy said...

I'm so glad this visit has gone well so far. I'll bet you hate that Jessie is traveling. You probably want her all to yourself!

Isn't 4 so much better than 3 socially? Thank goodness they get older and things get easier--that is until they turn into teenagers. But seriously, can Max ever be that obnoxious? I doubt it!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad the girls are playing nicely! 4 is much better than 3. Fiona is a smile factory. Love it!

I was totally sniffing chocolate chip cookies the other day...sigh. But I feel amazing, so I can't argue.

Adolescent martyrdom at its finest!

patsy said...

Adolescent martydom- that is the perfect phrase for so many occasions!!

Hooray for jesse's visit!!
How fun for everyone- I wish I had this kind of relationship with my sisters... posts like this give me hope that my girls will love each other!

emily said...

I'll "holla" to that invite anytime! I'm so glad that you and Jessie get to spend time together. Sisters make the best friends.

Melinda said...

That is a great invitation. I love Jessie's handwriting. Sounds like you are having a great time. I love sister time.

Unknown said...

"adolescent martyrdom" is a brilliant phrase!!

i think i'm going to have to go to charlotte and absorb some of jesse's energy - i just can't find it this summer! the game night invitation is insanely cute.

Susan said...

...wish I were there.

I'm happy you're having fun and catching up!

Amie said...

So fun... there just isn't anything like sisters. I'm glad the visit it going great.

PS - LOVE the invitation! Jessie's a genius.

Bond Girl 007 said...

Oh my, family fun is the best ever isn't it? Love the napkin with the balloons....and fiona is just beautiful. Good to hear the girls are getting along just fine!

Kelly said...

What a little doll Fiona is! So cute!

So glad the girls are getting along, it's tough at that age. When we visited Montana a few weeks ago, I kept worrying that PQ was going to be this dominating monster child with my niece Ryley, but for the most part they got along really well. Okay, PQ did do a little bossing around.

The invitation is so cute and made me laugh. Glad it got Max to snap out of a teenage moment.

Rebekah said...

Jessie has more self restraint than I do. I certainly would not be satisfied with merely sniffing an empty cookie wrapper.

Family reunions are so much work! Well, for the women folk. I'm not entirely sure what the men folk contribute as far as planning goes. :)

That Fiona is adorable! Man, she's got the cutest face in the world!

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