I had asked if he would put in new baseboards in our little entryway. He agreed, and kept adding more and more things to the project.
All of my pictures of him in action came out blurry, but I have to include the documentation anyway.
He spent hours pulling carpet staples and carpet fibers out of the wood on the edges of our stairs, hurting his back in the process. (I spent hours on this project shortly after our new carpet was installed -- over a year ago! -- and then haven't gotten back to it since. Not a fun project.)
He put in new trim on the stairs to make the sides match each other.
He filled in the big gashes and all the little holes.
It is truly remarkable what a difference a baseboard and some paint can make.
It is truly remarkable what a difference a baseboard and some paint can make.
He pulled off the plastic sheeting we had on our too-old-to-be-up-to-code railing, now that we don't have babies who might fall through. I was completely amazed at the difference that this made -- night and day!
Of course, he took time out to fix the pipe that broke in the kitchen on Christmas Eve. Whew!
He hung our new kitchen light fixtures! (no more bare bulb!!)
He hung the draperies that finally arrived! (part of last year's Christmas gift)
He cut shelves for our year-long bookcase project, ready to paint -- hallelujah!
He and Mom decided we should paint the ugly old railing black. Again, night and day. (why didn't I ever think of that?)
Now I have to paint the front door. And that makes me want to paint the interior doors. And the kitchen cabinets. And.... one thing always leads to another in home improvements.
Thank you, Dad!!! I couldn't be more thrilled.
Your peeks look great! Please tell me that we won't have to wait until next July's (or August or September) book club to see it all!
Okay, what the hell.
First, your banner is the cutest one i've ever seen. Of anyone's. Ever.
Secondly, you didn't tell me dad did ALL of that! I for one want to see more complete pics of the railing/stair transformation. That is a lot of small things that add up to a huge difference! Your house is looking so great! I cant wait to see it in person... kinda makes me want to paint something again. Someday.
Your banner is beautiful, you've got some serious skills!
Your dad is amazing! The combination of the style and generosity of both your parents, plus his work ethic and skills is really heart-melting and great! Your house looks fantastic!
Your banner is amazing! I'm with Jessie, the best I've ever seen. Good job!
My love language is service too so to have all that done would make me smile! Your parents style and helpfulness never cease to amaze me. One project does lead to another, can't wait to see what's next.
I literally gasped when your blog popped up with its incredible new banner! I. Love. It.
Wow, it really is amazing how much difference a few small changes can make. The black railing and baseboard trim look fabulous! Your dad is one amazing guy.
I LOVE the banner!!!! Linda was right, you could be making some serious money!!
I'm going to adapt the "service being my love language" theme. I think that is exactly what I really meant on my New Years blog post. Thank you for putting it in the perfect words.
I love that Dad is such a hard worker and not lazy. That is one of the finest traits in a man (or anyone....) My Dad has always been the perfect example of that as well. You father is always productive, hardworking and serving whoever needs him. I love that. I love him.
I really do want to me like him.
Thanks for the wonderful post of gratitude and credit to Dad's hard-working "vacation"! And, the house does look great!
Once again, that banner is just too perfect for a list-making creative genius!
And one more thing.....the very fact that Jessie posted a comment should be the biggest show of your over-the-top creation.
Now that's a compliment!
It looks like your dad has the same idea of relaxing as your mom...go-go-go---what a team they make!
I too am amazed at your talent in the design department. GREAT header... I guess that is why you are the "Header Master"!!
It was fun doing you projects. I love doing things for others, especially for loved ones. I am glad that you like the results and appreciate the home improvements...
I absolutely love your new header...with google reader I miss out on the details sometimes, but based on the others comments it must be brand new...a fabulous way to start the year!
everything looks great! dad's are the best :)
Now those are my kind of gifts!
One more reason why I want to be adopted ;)
Oh my goodness, it's almost like getting a brand new house! Everything looks fantastic -- what a gift! All those little touches do make such a difference. What a sweet dad!
Your new header took my breath away! It's so fabulous! You have amazing skills!
Black paint is magic! Your railing looks very mod.
Wow! What a great Dad! I love how everything looks!
The picture of your mom and dad painting is awesome. Those curtains are beautiful. Your dad is a treasure. I am acts of service as well, so I know just how this would feel :)
And your new banner is to die for. I love the bright colors. I want to print it and hang it on my board!
just want to jump on the banner band wagon. fantastic!!
i love that you love your dad's gift so much. i totally agree with handy dads are priceless. my dad is the same way when they are here, project after project and he does it is so much less time than we ever could
love the new look
When someone gives of themself and their time this way you can't help, but feel loved. I can't believe all that he got done. It all looks fabulous. Where did you get the draperies? I love them.
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