Last night I had to dig deep to make dinner. I've been waking up around 5:45 every morning since daylight savings time started, and when evening rolls around I am just dead tired.

I threw together my version of the California Pizza Kitchen cobb salad. Chopped tomatoes, chicken, avocado, roasted beets, and bacon on greens, with bleu cheese dressing. Normally, I have crumbled bleu cheese on top as well, but I was didn't have any this time. Easy (especially if you use pre-cooked bacon) and delicious.
I made raspberry jam today. That will be very pleasing to three of us in the coming months.
Marc and I worked on the garage again today. Sigh. No, we're not finished yet. Every time we work in there, Marc has to point out how much garbage we're getting rid of, how much stuff we've taken to D.I., and the fact that there is a new path we can walk through. Otherwise I'd be so overwhelmed I'd want to give up.

Anyway... we were sorting through some boxes of memorabilia today and we each found one of these diaries! How funny is that?
Max has been gone all day. Marc's parents got tickets to the symphony and wanted to take Max because they were featuring a cellist tonight. He will sleep over there and come back in the morning. Lucas has been completely dejected today. He doesn't know what to do with himself when Max isn't here. It's cute and sad, all at the same time.
We found him this afternoon just sitting in his bed, eyes brimming. Marc took him out to Noodles & Company and Cold Stone. It helped.
I stayed home with Eva, who was crying about her sore throat. Oh joy. I'm putting myself to bed!
At first I thought your excitement over Eva writing her name was because she wrote Eva instead of Blue Bug!
Your salad looks so good to me, even with the chicken.
I'm curious about the raspberry jam, I'm not a jam lover but that sounds good.
I'm so impressed that you and Marc are persevering with the garage cleaning. It's great that you're both working on it and that you're really purging things rather than just rearranging them.
Poor Lucas, it's sweet that he misses Max.
It cracks me up that Eva totally acted like she has been writing her name for years! Peer pressure has it's advantages.
That salad looks amazing.
I love raspberry jam but never make it- I need to remedy that asap!
It is cool that you guys are sticking with the garage clean out. Those journals are funny.
Sad about Lucas, in such a cute way.
And Eva! She can't be getting sick! We want her to come play again next week!
If that's the kind of dinner you make when you have to "dig deep," then I'm moving to your house. Popcorn Night, or Dumb Dinner Night is much less appetizing, and far more common around here.
Sarah will sometimes do the same thing as Lucas when John is away, even though they often fight like cats and dogs when they're together. Go figure.
Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention that I LOVE your new banner!
DItto on LOVING your banner! (I'm trying to recommit to commenting...) Lucas is so cute! And good for you on the garage front... that's daunting for sure, but well worth the effort!
i think it's so fun that you found identical journals. did you each have one? i am a huge fan of journals, and love reading over my old ones (even if it involves searing emotional pain...)
Your banner is beautiful!
I'm always so amazed at what grandparents your kids have.
Poor Lucas. I had a set of boys like that, too, and it was always sad to see one lost without the other.
how great that you have matching journals! i love looking through old ones it just makes me so happy to bring back old memories.
i would also like to say that i think it's GREAT that you are working on the garage together - marc is a gem.
keep hacking away at the garage, you will be so glad you made your way through it :o) I had steadily worked on portions or ours for a couple of months and then asked for clean garage for my birthday, so Kenny, Carly and I worked all day one Saturday and made a huge improvement. That was 3 months ago and it is still wonderful to open the garage door and see it. In fact I got rid of 2 more containers this weekend...yipee!
I LOVE a clean garage, I don't know why... but I do!
That was digging deep? Impressive salad- mmm
Megan wouldn't write her name at 5 until she saw a friend do it. I was so shocked. I had worked with her for months & months & months- she saw a friend & wrote her name seconds later... I learned something in that moment about mothering I have never forgotten-
I hope max had fun at the symphony- We used to have lollypop family passes to the UT symphony. One of my favorite things. You should check into it!
Max's symphony and sleepover activity sound wonderful. What good grandparents.
That's so cute and simultaneously heart-wrenching that Lucas is so sad about Max being gone. I love being friends with my siblings.
i can totally relate to "put myself to bed" been there.
raspberry jam is my very fave. is it difficult?
i would love to feature my own jam in my (now famous) thumbprint cookies.
That picture makes me crave salad. It looks great!
I need to follow your example with the garage in our basement... I know every little bit would help but it is just too overwhelming to want to start.
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