This week Eva had an extra day of preschool, and Jill hightailed it to get here at 10:30 so we could maximize the quiet time. So nice.

I had asked Jill to bring over this jar so that I could copy its contents. I'm planning to make something similar as a Christmas gift to the ladies that I visit teach. Jill had the smart idea to look online, and wouldn't you know it? I found the exact same thing! So now I only have to print it out and cut them apart, rather than re-type it all. I love it when she solves my problems for me.

This just appealed to me: a card with Jill's name on it, photos, address list -- where the magic happens.

Jill brought peanut m&ms and said, "Sometimes peanut m&ms feel like a meal. And then I want to eat the whole bag." Luckily I had
leftovers for us to have for lunch, so the m&ms meal replacement plan was not necessary.
I was
still working on my gratitude journals. (Not because they're difficult at all, more because I kept adding people to the list of ones I needed to make -- new Laurels, other Laurel leaders, women that I visit teach, visiting teaching companion... also because it takes me way too long to make design decisions. I'm annoying that way.)

I was tiring of the project a little, but this new paper that I got injected some excitement back into it for me. I mean, really. The patterns! The colors! Papers are so like textiles, and I get excited about them both.

Our "pensive" poses, an attempt to just cover up our chins, since it seems we can no longer sufficiently minimize them by ordinary means. I think we're onto something here.
I love, love, love that paper! I can see why it motivated you to work on the project some more.
You gotta love Jill and the endless M&M supply. I swear they even taste better at her house.
Another Friday without Eva?! You got things to be grateful for this month. I hope it continues!
Sorry, I had to come back and ask where oh where is the link to the genius FHE gift project? I would love to do that for my visiting teachees as well!
Holy frijole, Michelle!!!!! I just can't believe this! The FHE jar is on my list of activities I want to do w/ my miamaids! (i found it online)
I love the jar you used. IKEA?
Yet another thing I plan to swipe from you.
Thanks, by the way, for the instructions for the gratitude journals. I'm either going to do these for an activity or give them to my girls, like you do.
Your creative genius is rather intimidating, I hope you know.
Could you please send Jill over to solve MY problems?
"we can no longer minimize them by ordinary means..."
this is the funniest thing i've read all week. and, i do mean funny as in laughing *with* you!
The chin covering situation is embarrassing yet funny is it not? I say pensive poses from here on out!
Such a cute pensive pose- love it!
M&Ms can totally end up being a meal, and I know that technically should be a bad thing. Sigh.
I find that when I do some kind of "easy" project that shouldn't be hard at all, it takes lots of time because I end up making a ton of them. I forget, are these for them for Christmas or just because?
Thanks for the recipe! Yay, yay, yay. I just bought a double pack of tortellini this week.
WAY cute FHE recipes!! Great idea for gifts.
I've been loving the poses of you and Jill, and especially Jill! It seems she might be enjoying the sp requests more of late, could it be?
All is all, it sure looks like a sweet day! I wish I had one of those......
I love that pensive pose, the smiles in both of your eyes are the best.
That FHE jar is really a great gift idea!
I often just get giddy about paper! Sounds like a fun CF!
yes, yes, where did you get the jar?
What is the website for the items located in the jar?
how many of those freaking gratitude journals are you doing? Ithink I might get tired of that little project too, although the paper does help.
How great to know we can get that jar FHE kit online. I have admired it at Jill's house before. We are slacking in that department and could use a boost! (or maybe a good swift kick)
i knew the two of you were up to something by the look in your eyes!
cute pics, whatever the reason your hands are up!
creative friday is so genius.
when I saw that jar last year at Jill's I thought about doing the same thing. Would you mind sharing where you found the info online?
i love the jars. That is a great idea for your girls you visit teach.
oh and the apples are just such a part of creative friday that i smiled when i saw on in the pic. was it intentional?
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