Jill helped me hang up some things in my studio, then we chatted, we ate my grandma's enchiladas for lunch (comfort food from my childhood), we watched the American Idol results show, we brainstormed ideas for her Etsy banner. Jill indulged me by letting me work on her apron in front of her again. I know it's not exactly kosher to work on a gift in front of the recipient, but I so wanted to finish it and give it back to her. Success!
When she left, she gave me the copy of Becoming Jane that she had gotten from Netflix, as it was my last night before Marc returned. (It's really best not to watch these movies with your husband, at least in my book!)

On Saturday, Marc's parents came to take the boys on a grandparents date, and here's the kicker: they took Eva too! It was such an unexpected treat. They took them to lunch at The Brick Oven, then bowling, and finally ice cream at the Creamery. I had nearly five hours to myself! I could hardly believe my good fortune.
I worked on cleaning/organizing my studio the entire time they were gone, and I made some great progress. (I'll post pictures when I'm finished.) I got to a point where I just wanted to give up and go lie down and read instead. But that had happened before, and I knew that if I pushed through the pain, it would be worth it, and of course it was. I'm so excited about this project! Now that I'm getting close to finishing, I'm realizing that I was previously so overwhelmed, I must not have truly thought I would ever get it done.
On Saturday night, the boys and I made popcorn and watched some of Planet Earth (Marc's dad just sent us the DVDs.) I had only seen snippets of it before, and I am amazed by how compelling it is. Just as the boys were going off to bed, Marc got home from his trip to D.C.
Yesterday I felt like my emotions were very close to the surface, as it was our last week of church with our ward intact. (Next week we find out what all the changes will be.) Every prayer, every talk mentioned what everyone was feeling: how grateful and blessed we feel to have been a part of this loving, united congregation. As one woman put it, "Change is often very good, and we'll probably look back on this in 3 years and know it was a good thing, but right now I just feel sick to my stomach." Yes! That's it exactly. The primary children all had a huge group hug and sang I Am a Child of God to their leaders, and there weren't many dry eyes.
Because Marc was home and it was Oscar night, I decided I needed to make a fabulous dinner. (When I make those decisions, I always forget that it involves spending hours in the kitchen.)

So, as weekends go, I'd say this one was just about perfect!
that sounds like a wonderful and perfect weekend indeed!
your pie looks good. your soup too but the chocolate won my heart!
glad you had some michelle time!
Oh, oh, I just wanted to be a fly on your wall and be along for the whole ride (and Jill's m&m's and your soup and your pie and . . .and . . . and!) What a weekend, I'm glad it was so fulfilling.
Goodness gracious woman, what a weekend! I'm so, so happy that you got to have Saturday to yourself while Bob and Mim took the kids out. What a treat! I'm so proud of you for pushing through your weariness and for working in your room the whole time. Yippee! You've made so much progress in there, it's just amazing.
Your good food is inspiring. I wish I had some of those inclinations. I just want to eat it, not make it.
It looks like it was fan-freakin'-tastic- what a weekend!
Yea for the studio progress and alone time. That right there is a treat!
The dinner you made has me wanting something different than what I have planned tonight...
yummy on that pie!! I am a pioneer woman lover!!!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend.
I have never heard of pie crust cookies?? I believe I am probably missing out on something wonderful.
reading this post i thought.
i wish i lived in your town on fridays.
i wish i had friends to do stuff like that with on fridays - it is lonely here.
what marc was in D.C. and didn't stop by - jk.
i wish i could cook like you
you are a great writer and love when you talk about Eva, it is so funny.
the bread - are you kidding me you can make that, i need to get off the computer and in the kitchen.
you are just incredible.!
That does sound like a wonderful weekend! Your words about your last Sunday as a ward made me sad for you! They talk of a realignment in ours sometime, and I don't like the thought of it, although it shouldn't matter much now that we're leaving. Somehow it still matters though.
Your bread and soup photos make me really wish I had read this early in the morning so I could have made that for dinner. It looks wonderful!
I would love that bread recipe. It sounds and looks perfect.
So glad you had such a great weekend!
That pie looks amazing. I have never tried chocolate curls. I'm in serious need of a marble board. Yes. Need.
Your bread, soup and pie look delicious! I'm glad you had a great weekend and got some much deserved Michelle time! Yeah!
Wow, that dinner looks exquisite. I love those pie crust cookies. Cinnamon? Sugar? Yum.
Loving your new banner. I need to do Amy's tutorial, mine is SO five minutes ago (or two years, give or take)
That would be a perfect day in my book too!
Please pass your recipes for the bread and soup on...they look absolutely divine!
I being able to peek in on your friendship with Jill...you are both so lucky.
Sounds perfect indeed to me!
The progress in your scrap room is great! Having 5 hours to yourself, wonderful!
The dinner you made sounds fabulous!! Thanks for the pictures! And, yes, piecrust cookies are a fond memory!
You are the only other human on the planet I've met who knows what pie-crust cookies are! I'm so excited. I love them. My mom would always do the scraps of a pie crust for me. Once, because she knew I loved them so much, she made a batch of pie dough and did it ALL in cookies.
You've made me have a craving.
I love food. I just don't like to spend hours in the kitchen. Especially not everyday. All of that food looks divine.
How was Becoming Jane? I've got to see that one.
I love eating pie crust scraps too with sugar! They are so great--it always surprises me how many people have never had them! I found your blog through Kelly and thought I'd say hi.
that meal is to die for! i'm so glad you liked the soup, it is really yummy! sounds like a fantastic weekend!
This might be just too much to take in!
It all sounds fun, yet exhausting!
Rest up!
I luv the pie crust cookies! I made pecan pie on Sunday, and I made enough crusts to freeze for future Michelle cream pies which I have not yet attempted. Soon. Very soon.
OMG tat sounds fabulous..Ur bread n soup sounds fabulous.U have donenice piece of work.Thanks a lot for sharing with us.
keep up the work.
Oh that does sound nice! How exciting that Eva is deemed old enough to participate in grandparent outings!
I loved making pie crust cookies when I was little. We didn't ever have very many dessert pies, but chicken pot pie was a staple in our family, and so we did get pie crust for that. Good memories.
I haven't ever heard of pie crust cookies.... am I missing out?
Jill is awesome. I wish being a thoughtful friend was something that was my talent like it is hers.
i believe there were no dry eyes for that primary group hug and song, i felt a little weapy just reading it! how great that you have enjoyed your ward so much. because we don't get to choose our congregation, we sometimes are hit and miss huh? that's why everyone is sick to their stomach!
i'm so glad you had a such a great weekend. your in laws could start a service, if they do, i'm first in line ok? oh and YUM-O on the dinner and pie, i love that pioneer woman.
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