I have lots of valentine good mail to report, and I think it is evidence of lots of thoughtfulness -- and creativity -- out there!

Jessie made me one of her cute valentine collages. Monograms, buttons, glitter, ribbon, it's all good.

She also sent her darling valentine sachets for every member of my family! That's a whole lot of buttons to sew on. When Lucas got home from school and saw them hanging on the bedroom doorknobs, he said, "Jessie makes cool stuff!" I could not agree more.

My mom sent us a valentine package. We all get excited when one of her packages arrives. The kids got cards, treats, and $$. Eva got Dora valentines, prompting her to enlist Lucas's help so she could write them out to all her friends and family. I got a set of cute valentine plates (I love plates!), stationery, and jewelry. She never disappoints.

Elisa sent me this valentine that her daughter Miriam made. So cute!

Yay, I got one of Carlo's valentines!

Kristi's cute, original valentine (would you expect anything less?).

Lelly's innovative valentine. So clever!

Yay, I got one of Barb's vintage valentines!

Charlotte sent a valentine CD mix and a darling little packet of treats. I don't think I ever sent good mail when I was in college!

Jill made me 2 mood-lifting mixes, right when I really needed a good mood lift. They're perfect!

Tasha seems to have a never-ending supply of these adorable postcards. I put this one on my fridge and Lucas gets a kick out of it. He added the "don't forget" magnet for emphasis.

Carlo sent me this cool pamphlet about loving yourself after reading my post about affirmations and trying to overcome my negative self-talk. I love it! And I need all the help I can get. Thanks for thinking of me.
Thanks to all of you for thinking of me and then following through on those thoughts! It's inspiring, really.
awesome GoodMail, michelle. neat Valentine's and I love those cool postcards I have been seeing all over. They are such fun.
Glad you liked the AG booklet. I really went back and forth about sending it...(i think too much)
That is some serious goodness. Having those sachets for your whole family is awesome! I love the thought of your hallway with those all hanging on the door knobs.
I love the goodmail you've got here! Serious goodness.
thanks for sharing
It looks like you've been receiving a lot of good mail lately, how delightful.
I can't (and yet I can) believe Jessie made her cute heart sachets for your whole family. That's so thoughtful.
Good mail is just great! Yay for so much happiness in your mailbox!
I am really appreciating all holidays as a chance to show I care. It is fun to have you as a blogging friend, I look forward to meeting you in May!
I love those plates. (I am also a plate fan) I always like to see the great goodies from your Mom. I love house stuff. Mmmm
Sweet! What loot, girl! And I loved how you ended this post - thanking everyone for not only thinking of you, but for following through! Perfect!
I love that you had a "thoughtfulness report" to give... inspiring... I'm glad that you felt loved and thought of.
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