You know when you know that your child is being too quiet, but you allow that state to continue because you're enjoying the lack of demands too much, even though you know you'll probably have to pay for it later?

I found Eva giving her "hard animals" (as opposed to the soft ones) a bath in the sink. They required about half a box of Puffs when they were toweling off afterwards. I mentioned this to Jill and she said, "what is that, about a dollar? You would gladly pay a dollar for an hour of time to yourself, right?" Yes. Yes, I would.
One day I got distracted on the computer and wasn't paying attention to Eva's requests for a drink. I looked up to find this:

She wanted to be self-sufficient, but she couldn't quite reach.
Marc bought the new American Idol game for Wii on Monday. We had a raucous 4-way competition after Eva went to bed that night. We haven't been able to manage another yet, but Lucas plays it before school in the morning and then when he gets home in the afternoon.

It just tickles me to see him singing -- he's never been too interested in it before. In fact, I have even wondered before if he might be tone deaf, but it turns out that once he knows a song, he can sing it pretty accurately! Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kids enjoying singing, it's always been one of the joys of my life, and somehow seeing them do it is like coming full circle.
In true Max fashion, he informed us on Tuesday night that he was going to be in the spelling bee semi-finals at his school. (It was the first we'd heard of any spelling bee, and I don't know when the first round was.) Oh, and he'd never quite managed to get a hold of the word list. We found it online and printed it out. The bee was this morning!

He did quite well, especially considering the fact that he only just looked over the lists. Each round had words from a different language of origin (Greek, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian) and then they did a round of commonly mis-spelled words. It was that round that did him in, I think the word he got out on was "appearance".
I love spelling bees and quite enjoyed watching it. Eva tired of it rather quickly, but did perk up when someone got "parmesan" (one of her favorite things). She chirped, "parmesan?!" rather loudly, causing her brother a fit of giggles. She was also rather pleased with "amarillo". She's a girl who knows her Spanish colors, thanks to Dora.
And here's a weird one: I got a call from a member of the stake presidency yesterday afternoon, asking if Marc and I could come in for an interview at 6:15. Marc called me shortly thereafter, and we speculated about which one of was getting a new calling. I hadn't been feeling very well, and had stayed in my jammies all day. I had to quickly shower and get ready, nervous all the while. It turns out neither of us got a new calling! Marc just got released as the financial clerk. We were told that we will not be staying in our current ward (sniff!). But why have us both come in just for a release? It's a mystery.
Oh my is she creative!! I found Ellie to be much more daring and independent than cass was at the same age and stages.
i love buttons, too. what is it about them?
That button picture is so pleasing.
I stand by my statement about Eva and the tissues. I think any safe independent play is a good thing, especially for her since that's not the norm.
Her independence is endearing.
My stomach dropped when you said that about being called in to the Stake, why in the world did they have both of you come in just for his release? That's very strange. He must be giddy though.
Where is this quilt store? How do I not know about it? Love the picture.
Safe independent play is key around here. I like the perspective Jill offered- it holds true in this house! (There are KIX all over my kitchen floor as we speak- but the girls are happy and playing nice!)
That does sound kinda odd/cruel to call you both in- I can imagine you sweating it all beforehand.
Isn't American Idol just a fantastic party fun game. If I were in Utah right now I would like to join you guys but I guess I'm stuck in Colorado away from all of my favorite cousins. I remember the night before you all had to leave back to Utah after Thanksgiving; what fun we had that night.
Most interesting quips at the end of a long day!
loving you more....
Eva looks so big in the fridge picture!
Safe independent play is a favorite of mine!
I love the miscellany... thanks for catching us up... I am also excited to see the studio reveal.
Button heaven! I wish we had a place like that here!
Love the picture of Eva in the fridge, this is totally something I catch Jared doing. THe puffs thing too...only with him it is the wet wipes! So frustrating.
Cool about the spelling bee. Those are always so fun!
I have a serious button fetish.
OK, what quilt shop do you go to that has the button basket? I want some!
Whenever I turn my head for a few minutes from Alex, and if he graces me with silence, I can usually count on finding him sucking on the tube of children's toothpaste. He discovered the upstairs bathroom drawers a few weeks ago and I can't keep him away!
I would love to hear your family play the American Idol game! Between you and Marc--I bet it's pretty fantastic!
I love the buttons.
I have thought about buying that American Idol game or the Boogie? game - I can't remember if that's the name.
I hate spelling bees. I get so stressed out for the kids. A couple of years ago no one wanted to be in charge at our school so I thought- no problem, I'll do it. What a mistake. I was so stressed out for the kids who had really studied it & were taking it very seriously. Telling a kid who is sweating over spelling a word they were out- was not for me.
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