Our Christmas book club is always my favorite one of the year. We have a book & bookmark exchange, and we exchange gifts as well. Whether the gifts are handmade or not, I am always blown away by everyone's creativity.
Unlike Jill, I was, true to form, a complete last-minute Sally. Even though I have been working on my gifts for at least two weeks, and I thought I had everything under control, I didn't. (Is procrastination just my way? Can I not produce until I'm under the gun?) At noon, I thought I was doing really well, time management-wise, but Eva didn't take a nap and was extremely cranky and clingy, and... I ended up being 45 minutes late. (!)

{I finally finished my gifts at 6:50 (our gathering started at 6:30)! My favorite part is the tag with words -- I tore a page out of an old book and cut out words, then arranged them into phrases for each person. Thanks to Stacy S. for this idea (she gave a book like this to Jill for Pink Christmas last year).}
My good friends didn't seem too upset with me, even though they were holding dinner for my arrival. And such a great dinner it was! Jill brought an appetizer (which I missed, but I'm sure everyone else was grateful to have it). Amy made a delicious roast, Jenn made wonderful potatoes (I think I need that recipe), Jana made her coveted rolls, I made a salad, and Collette brought a dessert that was apparently a gift in return for a charitable donation. (I'm still not clear on that story, but Amy and I got a kick out of her "out-sourcing" dessert!)

one of my very favorite salads (especially at Christmastime!)
In case you are wondering, it is spinach, fresh raspberries, sliced kiwi, and macadamia nuts. The dressing is 2 T. raspberry jam, 2 T. raspberry vinegar, and 1/3 c. oil (mix in blender).

Jana gave us these cute Christmas word signs. Jenn asked her if she made them, and she said, "No, but I saw them, and I said that I loved them!"

Collette made us these way cute floating frames with pictures she took of us in front of the Eiffel Tower. I think we were all impressed!

She also bought each of us a copy of one of our books for next year (they were closing them out at the BYU Bookstore) and a new book-a-day calendar! I'm totally excited that we can continue to read about books every day next year.

Jill drew my name for the book exchange, and she gave me a book I have never even heard of! That is so exciting. In addition, it has a pretty cover, it is a big book, and is almost 500 pages long. I love a book with substance and heft.

This is the cute bookmark she made for me. I forgot to take a picture of the bookmark I made for Collette.

And of course, this is the awesome gift she made for us all -- a book of photos from our Paris trip. I still cannot believe I fell for her ruse of saying that she was using felt for her project. That should have been a red flag! There are so many cool photos in this book, as well as memories from each of us that she solicited a week or so ago. Even though we were all in Paris in May, it almost feels as if it never happened, so this tangible book of memories is a real treasure.
Thanks to all my wonderful friends for a book club to remember!
p.s. This is my
500th post!!!p.p.s. I did finally figure out how to get my banner back on my blog. I have not yet figured out how to get rid of the extraneous title or get my sidebar links back...
Even though I was there it's a treat to read your review of the night and to see the photos you posted.
It was a great night with fabulous gifts all around. Your tag idea is genius and totally made the book even cooler than it already was.
Congrats on your 500th post!
I love the banner! These are some great gift ideas!
Your banner is beautiful...wow.
Your party was AMAZING! Fabulous friends and such great ideas. You have a divine book club.
I want all the instructions on the very, very cool books you made...so in love with those!
I saw some of the gifts on Jill's blog as well and I was blown away too! You are one reative bunch of friends!
That salad sounds yummy and is the perfect color combo for Christmas.
500 posts! I have done almost 200 since Feb and I was feeling good about that. . .
Your book club is amazing! What a great event & the gifts ~ wow. Thanks for the salad info. that looks so good.
500th post- congrats!!
said it before, will say it again:
I love to see and hear about your book club get togethers. I'm glad you guys had such a good time. Your folded books are so cool, I love how you took a page out and made a tag. So creative.
Congrats on post 500! That is some serious documenting!
Oh wow what a way to celebrate your 500 post...all in style and with one of your favorite themes of the year...so hooray...I loved that salad...I was just commenting on Jill's blog...wow I must try that for this christmas....thank you for the recipie...also the pictures and all the gifts and your book looks glorious, I love the title, and It made me think of cOLLIn...yeah...and the bookmarks, and and and...wOW what a night. Loved it. Glad you are getting your groove back in the blog, seriously I am almost this close to start a new blog I can't fathom the idea of posting a different way than I used to...and not to be able to double click on the photo and see it right there...maybe it was just for that one post...but I am just nervvous that something might disappear....i had to redo a huge post...and that always leaves you flatlined...
what a fantastic group of gifts/friends/book thingys. i love your book club!!
(and your banner is sparkly in all the right places.)
Wow! What fabulous gifts!! What a fun party! I really like the floating picture frame, such a great idea, and your folded book is darling! What treasures!
Now, about the Mr Darcy book, if it is the one I am thinking of, I read the first chapter, and it is really explicit and steamy, so I stopped reading. Just a warning. :)
'it is really explicit and steamy'...
Sounds like a book you and I would enjoy! ;) You'll have to let me know!
I am envious as usual of your book club and all the amazing creative gifts! I want to make the books!!!
I love Christmas RBC, too. It's my favorite! I am still absolutely floored at how many hours you probably put into our gifts. So cute! I totally need to get more "happy shelves" for my upstairs because of all this happiness that you all come up with.
Your banner is adorable. When I start blogging again, I so want a banner like yours!
ah...so much that is comment-worthy. Your banner is beautifully festive. All the gifts - amazing. I saw the salad and was then so glad you added the recipe. And 500 POSTS! Congrats!
Your blog is looking so festive! I love the new banner -- wow!
Your book club, as always, is fantastic. Your book art astounds me. I can't imagine how you do that. And, I echo Amy -- so glad you shared the recipe for your salad. It looks divine!
You have such amazing creative women in your group! Lucky you! I La-love the banner! Beautiful!
Your book club is the envy of all blogdom. I saw the Stacy S. idea on Pink Christmas, but I actually can't quite understand from the picture. It's so cool looking, I just wish I could touch it to figure it out.
WOW! Your banner is sparkly and spectacular --Congrats on your 500th post!
...How wonderful to be part of such a nice book group where you are all friends!
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