We're home! It was a very very long day of travel yesterday: we left our apartment at 9:00 a.m. Paris time...

... and got to our house at 9:00 p.m. Utah time. (that would be 5:00 a.m. Paris time!) Yep, that's 20 hours of travel. I think we can safely conclude that we will never again make that trip with a 2 year old -- 6 times is a few too many.
Poor Lucas was afflicted with motion sickness again, only this time he suffered with it nearly the whole time. Even sadder to me is what a trooper he is about it all. We won't even consider traveling with him again until we investigate those patches for motion sickness!
Our last day in Paris was a sad one. For Marc, it was inevitable because he loves Paris so much and hates to leave it behind. For me, it was because I was sick. I didn't even really get out of bed until 1:00, and I had tons of packing and cleaning to do, all while feeling quite ill. (I thought I had the flu, but it's gone now, so maybe not?) I had big plans for our last day in Paris. Well, not huge plans, but important plans nonetheless. You see, it was my last chance to take the kids over for an Eiffel Tower photo shoot. (Why did I wait till the last day, you ask? I didn't, but that's another story...) I had also promised to let them play at the Champ de Mars one last time.
Around 5:30, Max said, "so, are we going to be able to go or not?" Regretfully, I said it wasn't looking good. Then Lucas said, "but it's our last day!" I apologized and said it was definitely not the way I wanted our last day to be either. Then I went into my bedroom and cried. I just knew I would regret it so much if we didn't do it. So I told everyone to get into their photo shoot clothes, got Eva dressed, and combed hair.
Marc had just come home, and he offered to take over the photo shoot/park duties. He later reported that Eva was completely uncooperative, refusing to even stand by Max and Lucas. But he documented it all, and that's what really counts in my book! We won't have the gorgeous monument shot that Kristi got with the Capitol building, but we will have something. (photos to come...)
Our second-to-last day in Paris was much, much better. I took the kids to the Natural History Museum (a post about that to come) and, right before bed, I took Max and Lucas to:

All in all, I'd say our stay in Paris was just wonderful. Hot, yes. Difficult, definitely. It had its challenges, but it was worth it for the adventures it afforded us. And I have only one real regret: I wanted to take photos of Marc in Paris. I have a few shots here and there, but mostly ones of him taking pictures. I wanted pictures of him, just him, in his element. It never happened. Partly because he's very camera-shy when he's in front of the camera. Partly it's because we didn't have as much time together in Paris as I would have liked. Partly it's because I'm a horrible procrastinator, as we've already established. But other than that, no regrets.
And I do have a few remaining posts about Paris to come. So if you're sick of reading about Paris, tune out for a few more days!! I'm off to bed...
oh michelle so sad to hear about your last day in paris...but hey at least marc went out and did that meaningful service to you...can't believe first time at the outdoors cafe...well at least you did it...and creme brulee heavenly....i have a really easy and good recepie for it. how marvelous to have the opportunity to experience paris they way you did...don't worry there is more paris to come and more memories to be cherrished...no regrets and hey you still must return to take those pictures of marc
I don't know why your family has to deal with so much sickness all the time, it's not just bad timing, it's all the time. It often seems like it's the norm rather than the exception. How frustrating. I'm just relieved that Lucas is such a trooper about it because you need an easy kid!
I'm sorry, I failed to say "Welcome Home!"
Glad your home safe. SO glad you have more to post about Paris.
seriously who can be sick of reading about your paris trip - no one!!
oh has been a wonderful trip for me. i am glad you are home safe and sound .
i can't wait to see the photos and hear about the end of your trip.
Welcome Home! So glad you all made it safe and sound. Sad about the last day- and the lack of Marc pictures. I have loved seeing everything you have posted- can't wait for the finale.
Welcome home! I think I must be like you in the procastination thing. I always think there will be plenty of time to do something and then it ends up not enough time. Oh well! Can't wait to read the rest of your Paris posts!
oh michelle. welcome home.
the last day anywhere, sick or not, is always difficult for me. i have a hard time saying goodbye!
welcome home...and thank you for all of the wonderful pics and posts from paris. i enjoyed them so much
Welcome Home Sweet Michelle! I'm sorry it had to take 20 hours with kids and sicknesses, but I am so happy to have you back and can't wait to give you a big hug! I've missed you!
Paris was an adventure for many of us thanks to you! Through visiting and through reading your posts- thank you for sharing! And welcome HOME!
What a long, long day! I'm so glad you made it all in one piece! So sorry about the motion sickness, poor kid. Welcome Home!
I have loved every post from Paris or about Paris so keep em coming!
Welcome Home!
I can't wait to see the rest of your photos!
Welcome home!!! And I, for one, love your Paris stories. It lets me live vicariously, what I can't live in reality (at least, not for the moment).
I hope home was sweet after a 20 hour journey home! I agree, the last day is just hard. What a great experience for your family, it has been fun to live it vicariously through you!
Here's to lots of catch-up naps today!
Sick of reading about Paris?! No way!! I LOVE reading about your adventures there!
Glad you are back safe and sound.
Welcome home, Michelle! In honor of your return, a favorite poem:
Oh, it's home again, and home again,
America for me!
I want a ship that's westward bound to
plough the rolling sea,
To the blessed Land of Room Enough
beyond the ocean bars,
Where the air is full of sunlight and the
flag is full of stars.
- Henry Van Dyke
I hope you settle back in quickly and that no more illness befalls you. So sorry to hear about your last day! But oh, what amazing stories and photos you have collected. I am determined to visit Paris now more than ever. Thank you for documenting your stay - it has been a treat for all of us.
And yes. that picture of the lemon is SO HAPPY! Love it, too!
You are such a good Mom. I admire that you were willing to take the boys out even though you were sick. (I'm glad you didn't have to though)
Max and Lucas will remember this forever it's such an amazing experience for them and for you.
I hope Eva gets use to the time difference quickly.
Welcome Home!
Welcome home!!
Welcome home, I too will miss the Paris posts but love your Utah posts as well so I am happy either way.
Welcome home!!! I'm glad the trip was successful (even though not always perfect). Your boys are so lucky to have such great memories!
I am definitely not sick of the Paris posts. I think maybe I just like the way you write so I just like to read your posts.
PS - thank you for the sweet postcard, it was much appreciated thoughtful mail. We can't wait for you to join us at 7 Peaks again (Monday has been our day).
beautiful photos! bummer about the photo shoot, but i think you will appreciate the ones you got without the "perfectness." those kinds of photos tell the greatest stories.
i so appreciated your welcome to the usa photo. having lived overseas for many years looking at it gave me a very tangible feeling.
welcome home!
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