Wednesday, August 16, 2006

recent events chez moi

  • On Thursday when I went to take the boys to Landon's birthday party, my van started behaving very strangely, e.g. slowing abruptly and lurching whenever I accelerated. It felt like the gears were slipping. I took it in to our mechanic and when he took it for a drive, there was no problem. He looked under the hood and said that the transmission fluid smelled really burned. He suggested that it might have been a strange glitch, but it's more likely that the transmission is failing. He asked how attached we are to this car! Um, pretty attached, actually, since our other one is an '88 Civic with no A/C that is slowly dying... So now we're waiting to see if the problem develops further and trying to figure out what to do if it does.
  • We had a Costco carpet representative come out last week to give us a quote. We picked out a color that we both really liked and were just getting really excited about replacing our old stained carpet when the car thing happened. Looks like we won't be getting new carpet after all...
  • good mail:
Jill sent me these two way cute items from Bookworks. I love that line. Plus, one of her cute cards from Kristi and a circle stamp that I love! I can't seem to get enough of circles these days.

Amie sent me a candle warmer and an assortment of five different scents of candle melts. I've never tried these, so I'm excited to check them out. How fun to sample different scents without committing! (No worries, Jill, I'll try them when you're not here. I can't be responsible for the onset of headaches.)

  • Did I mention that I now have a partner in Cub Scouts? We combined with another ward that has very few boys in the program and now we have a leader from each ward for each den. I met with Donna on Friday and we planned out our activities through the end of October. It's so nice to know what we're doing ahead of time, and so nice to have another adult to work with! Maybe this calling won't be so bad after all...
  • I've been thinking about chemically straightening my hair again. OK, so I had major problems when I did it before (several years ago), but that's because I didn't follow the instructions to the letter. The package said that if you have coarse hair, you should put the conditioner on first, and then the straightener. I didn't really believe it would be effective if I put the conditioner on first, so I opted not to. Then, because my hair is really coarse, I couldn't comb through it without pulling really hard. That's why I ended up breaking off so much of my hair. But this time, I would follow the directions! I wouldn't break off 1/3 of my hair again! Everyone's trying to talk me out of it, but those are all people who don't know what a bane it can be to have unruly, coarse, frizzy, curly hair that you can't do anything with.
  • Yesterday I developed some sort of strange foot problem. All was well, until I took a step and suddenly had this sharp, shooting pain up my right heel. It stopped me in my tracks, but then it seemed to return to normal. Throughout the evening, however, it happened about 5 more times, it bothered me while sleeping, and now it's really tender when I walk on it. The only heel problem I have ever heard of is plantar's fasciitis, and I really hope it is not that! We're supposed to take the Cub Scouts on a nature hike this evening, so hopefully I will be able to walk by then. Any suggestions?


jenn said...

Sorry, no ideas for your foot pain. Good luck on your hike.

Sorry about your car! Especially that it puts your carpet on hold! That really sucks!

Fun packages! I love that good mail helps us forget all the crappy stuff going on! At least temporarily- until the next stab of pain up the heel!

charlotte said...

Car troubles are some of the worst! And mysterious foot pain is no picnic either. The good mail though is always a good pick-me-up to the day! I hope your car troubles and foot troubles and cub scout hike all work themselves out!

Jill said...

I talk to you all the time and yet I still learn more from reading your blog, that's kind of funny.

I'm glad you're getting some good mail and think you'll enjoy the candle warmer and melts Amie sent. It's a good plan and nice that you don't have to have a candle lit to enjoy the scent. I forget to use mine, but will have to turn it on today.

I'm so glad you have a partner to help you with scouts. I think this will make a huge difference and might actually help you like your calling (gasp).

Sorry about your bizarre foot pain, that's a bit alarming. I get pain in my right ankle (the one I hurt when I slipped outside Amy's house after book club 2 years ago). It's really strange and will feel kind of sore and weak sometimes, but most of the time is fine. I'm damaged goods.

I really hope your van is okay and that the gear slipping was a fluke thing. I can't stand the thought of you having car woes. It's just not fair.

Amie said...

I am interested in your hair decisions. I used to chemically straighten my bangs when I lived in CA but with the dry weather here my hair isn't as curly. I never had any major trauma but I had a friend who fried her hair pretty bad.

I have thought about it before too but I am nervous that it would only look good for a month and then you would have funky regrowth. The last think I need it curl coming out the top making me look like a mushroom! If you have done it before maybe you can share your knowledge. I guess like everything you would just have to keep up on it.

I do have one friend who lives here that gets her hair chemically straightened at the salon. It looks good but I her hair isn't as curly as mine but probably about the same fine texture. I don't have a lot of hair just big hair, it's not coarse.

I can't wait to hear what you decide and to see pictures! Sorry for overtaking. You do have beautiful hair already though so I don't know that you need it. I understand the desire though. I can't imagine being able to actually brush my hair!

I hope you foot pain goes away soon. That is the worst!

The thought of new carpet is VERY exciting even if it has to be put on hold for awhile.

Claire said...

foot pain isather un-fun. but if it happens again you could get your cubscouts to practice their four man carry thingamajig! And maybe talk about some first aid too(?)

Claire said...

"Is rather" ^

Anonymous said...

Whew! Alot of information in one posting. I'll start praying about them all. I'm all about trying the hair straightening again, if you want to wait for me, I'll help you whenever.....

Anonymous said...

I say go for it with the hair straightening. I used to help my sister do hers all the time- she has the same coarse curly hair. Conditioner is a must. Good luck!

So sorry for the car woes- it never happens at a good time for us either. At least you can put the carpet off instead of going into debt to get it fixed if indeed something needs to be fixed, right...?

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the car. I hate those unexpected, unplanned-for, large expenses that inevitably pop up at the worst times! (Is there really a "good" time? I think not).

For instance, just yesterday one of the kids pointed to my bathroom ceiling and said, "What's that?" I looked up to see a rather large "blister" of water, indicating a leak from the kids' bathroom. A friend (who happens to be in the drywall business) came by to look at it and diagnosed the problem as leaky grout in the tub above, which means A) a new tub and tile work for a mere $1,500 to $2,000, B) never using the shower in that bathroom again, or C) "raking" out the existing faulty grout with a utilty knife and then re-grouting. We're opting for the tedious and time consuming, but less expensive C) option. Where's Timm when we need him?! (probably hiding right now). My kind, wonderful friend, however, did say that he would come and re-grout for us, as well as patch the large hole of soggy drywall he cut out of the ceiling. Thank heavens for nice friends!

Anonymous said...

Oh--and I simply must know where Jill got those darling arrow stickers, or whatever they are! Those are WAY TOO CUTE.

Julie said...

I hope your car problems don't last. Don't they always seem to break down and the worst possible time? Perhaps you could try some of the shoe inserts you can buy at the store, especially for the hike. I have orthodics that help quite a bit, but I understand the pain. Before I got mine, I would get out of bed in the morning and step down, then experience terrible pain in my foot. I finally went to the doctor and got it fixed.
I'm glad you got a second Scout leader finally. That will definitely help with being able to control the kids. Good Luck!

jenny said...

Thats terrible about your foot pain. If we lived near you, my husband would check it out (thats his area of specialty orthopedics)

Car troubles just #$%#%&!! I am at a loss for words with this issue. I totally hear ya! We have definitely had our fair share. So sorry to hear the other one is not doing so hot either. Hey, at least you got some good mail from Jill.

I really don't have advice on the hair issue. I was born with the opposite problem BONE STRAIGHT, well except in muggy weather then I have a weird wave going on.

Hope you hike goes well!

jenny said...

P.S. Just out of curiosity what does Chez moi mean?

TX Girl said...

Cars are nothing but trouble. Bummer. Hope it all works out.

I know nothing about straightening hair, but it sounds fun. What will you do if something goes wrong? Cut it all off?

It looks like you got some fun "good mail". Very exciting.

Elisa said...

I don't know how long it takes you do do your hair, but everytime I see a picture of you I think your hair looks beautiful. I would be sad if you straightend it, but this is coming from someone with ramrod straight hair who owns every set of hot rollers and curling iron ever invented. I have always ALWAYS my entire life wanted curly hair. If I did have curly hair I would want it to look just like yours.

Amy said...

Sorry about your foot pain, Michelle! I hope you're feeling better today.

Great mail! That stuff from Bookworks looks really cute. How come I haven't seen that stuff anywhere?

Congratulations on the cub scouts partner. It must be such a relief. And you planned your activities until the end of October! Wow. Now that's organization.

Do you mean to say that you've never had a candle warmer before? You'll love it. I adore mine, but hardly use it since Jeremy can't stand it when I have scented stuff in the house. If I remember to I can use it in the morning, but I have to turn it off in time for all of the smell to be gone by the time he gets home.

Anonymous said...

Once again, we are running parallel circumstances. First our boy's birthdays--now our vans. We just paid a whoppin $1600 to get our van fixed. It hurts worse when the money was set aside for something great, like your new carpet. For us it was a new mattress. And I, too, had to drive around in the other non AC piece o crap car. I feel your pain. Good luck with that Michelle. Light your new candle and take a few deep breaths.

Sorry about your foot (try to take it easy) and so happy cubs is getting under control.

everything pink! said...

so funny to think anyone would straighten their hair. i wish your could wash the curl out, bottle it up and send it to my straw hair!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing worse than car problems, I always feel like I'm being robbed blind. ARG!

As for the hair, I do understand. I say go for it, as long as your curl came back last time, why not give it a whirl. I would love to brush my hand through my hair when its dry, oh the joy.

Do you see any bumps on your heel? It could also be a plantar's wart, they hurt sometimes also, good luck with the hike.

Don't you just love good mail?!

amy gretchen said...

First of all i think your hair is beautiful curly. It is so rare I am partial to it, but I know when a change is needed it's needed. Hope it all works out better this time.

I'm with everyone else. It sucks to have car trouble but you got good mail so who cares right? least for now.

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