Thursday, June 15, 2006

cub scout woes

First of all, I have to say I am proud of how much restraint I've shown. I have not posted about my cub scout woes nearly as often as I have been tempted to! Today I just can't resist. I spent the better part of the day yesterday planning out what to do for our den meetings this month and searching for ways to make it more fun for these 5 boys I am working with. One of my problems is that I don't have the skills and knowledge I would need to do the activities that would be the most fun for them, e.g., woodworking, whittling, etc. So I choose the activities that I can handle, but they end up being totally boring for the kids. (Tonight we did a requirement that involved making to-do lists and writing thank-you notes. I am not kidding.) Jill suggested that I look online for ideas. Duh! Why didn't I think of that? Apparently I'm not trying hard enough. Or it could be self-sabotage. Anyway, I started looking and I did find some good resources for short, fun activities to supplement the requirements. I still have the above-mentioned problem with the requirements, though. My point is, I was trying to think more positively about the whole thing. That was before we had den meeting last night. How quickly I am back to despair.

I should say that 3 of the boys are very cooperative and willing to go along with whatever I've planned, even if it is totally boring for them. It's the other two that are killing me. Remember the two Japanese boys I mentioned before? They're very cute little guys, but they are driving me crazy. Not only do they constantly speak Japanese to each other, but one of them flat-out refuses to participate. Even when we were doing physical games! I told him I was not going to pass anything off in his book if he didn't participate -- he seems to be all about getting things signed off, so I thought this might motivate him, but no. I went and talked with his mom last night and explained the situation. She says the reason he is always speaking to his cousin in Japanese is that he is trying to clarify what the instructions are and he cannot formulate what he wants to say in English. OK. I get that. But as to the non-cooperation, she says he was in a bad mood yesterday. Right.

The primary presidency is getting after me to attend Roundtable, and I really don't think I can go back. They also say I have to attend a four-hour training meeting! Yikes. Clearly I need help here. Also, I got a new visiting teaching assignment. My new companion is the one person in the ward that absolutely drives me crazy. Apparently I need to learn some lessons -- I sure hope I can learn them soon!


Jill said...

Isn't it funny that we were so relieved when you finally got released from Young Womens last year, but now you're neck-deep in uncharted waters? It's crazy that scouts can be such a challenge and have so many meetings. I find myself thinking you shouldn't have to do any of it, but then also find myself thinking that you can be great at it.

I'm sorry the Japanese cousins were being difficult. But hey, 3 out 5 isn't bad. Hopefully after finding lots of good ideas on the web yesterday you can throw in some more boy-friendly activities.

As for your new visiting situation, at least we can look forward to the interesting stories you'll have to tell.

collette said...

Cub scouts is so foreign to me that I don't know what to say except that I feel your pain. I just think that that would be a calling which I wouldn't (couldn't??) come up to the task.

Bless you for trying and good luck!!

jt said...

I think it's hilarious that you had them writing lists and thank you notes. I have no advice for you. I can only gloat that my calling is "Enrichment Scrapbook Leader" and I can use my calling as a vehicle for my own charity work.

Amie said...

How come your "woes" make me laugh. I thoroughly enjoy your "grumpy" posts. So even if you aren't the cub scout queen you are the queen of writing about it!

I laughed out loud thinking of them writing to do lists!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! NOT another Round Table meeting in addition to a four-hour training meeting!! AUGH@&$*!@*(}%!! I hate to tell you this, but my Pack takes off the summer months and doesn't reconvene until September. Sorry to gloat. Additionally, I don't have a moping Japanese boy to deal with.

Regarding said Cubscout, I say ignore the unwanted behavior and pretend like you're having so much fun without him. Perhaps you can entice him by making him feel like he's missing out. He must want a reaction from you--don't give him the satisfaction of one. I'm not suggesting that you be mean and spiteful (like the Natural Man in me would want to be), but just pretend like his behavior doesn't bother you in the least.

Julie said...

Michelle, I totally understand the frustration. When we moved into this ward I was called as wolf/bear leader (at that time I was pregnant with my only boy), then moved to webelos, and then to the cub committee chair. I have been in the program 4 years now. As a child I had 4 brothers and one day asked my mom when I would get to be in cub scouts. She informed me I wouldn't because I was a girl. I can't tell you how this crushed me, I loved doing the things my brothers did, and I spent much time wishing I was a boy. My mom was a leader as long as my brothers were in and she ran a spectacular program. I would be happy to talk to you about things you can do to improve the program in your ward. I have a hard time remembering round table, but it is well worth the time if you can go. The leaders there are fabulous and know how to make things fun for the boys. They can also tell you how to find specialists, etc. so you have people who can come and make presentations.
My biggest frustration is that the parents are not supportive, and don't expect the kids to come. How are the kids supposed to want to come if the parents don't care? Anyway, one thought to leave you with. Treat all the boys as you would want someone to treat your own son, because you never know -- and some cub scout will -- if they might grow up to be YOUR son-in-law.

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